Yoosh, cerita kali ini berawal dari keterlibatanku with some innocence belakangan ini, well, setelah dipikir-pikir sebenernya sih aku juga gak gitu tahu nih innocence secara harfiah berarti apa *halah* So, setelah buka-buka kamus ternyata innocence tuh means *jengjengjeng* *blank* *no answer* Nah lho, trus apaan dong nih artinya innocence ==? Ternyata innocence merupakan bentukan kata benda dari innocent which means not guilty (of a crime, misdeed, etc) So, bisa dibilang innocent tuh kalau di translate ke bahasa Indonesia jadinya lugu gitu kali yah. Hmm, gitu lah, singkat cerita akhirnya secara random aku pun browsing-browsing then found out these stuffs, and then realize that the innocence doesn't kill :P This post is just for fun, all of the pics are taken from some sites, just hoping u guys will enjoy it :)
Smiley face, menurutku sih it's kinda cute rather than innocent.
Nah, kalau yang ini mungkin bisa disebut innocent *subjectively*.
So does this one, kawaiii ne.
Sampai keinnocent-an yang sedikit horor =="
Haha, just try not to spread ur desperation by the socmed, it will affect others, and it just not fine.
Yup, it happens at least once in anybody's life.
Exactly, never go blindly, it's ultimately dangerous.
Whew, Breathless nya Shayne Ward inspired by asthma nih sepertinya.
It's how we should live our life, build big deams then wake up to drag them true, ganbatte \(^.^)/
Pencarian pun berlanjut, sampai akhirnya nemu gambar-gambar unik ini
Masih belum tahu maksudnya, anyone?
Hmm, gak juga sih, tergantung penerima, kalau orangnya bersifat innocent ya takes more effort lah *maaf, gak boleh protes, cerita kali ini bertemakan innocent :P*
Hmm, innocence emang seringnya diidentikkan dengan childhood, we all know why.
Mulai dari childhood yang bener-bener kelihatan innocence-nya
Remarkably honest creature.
Some sad-but-true
Dari luar gak kelihatan, dalemnya galau to the max :P Haha, just try not to spread ur desperation by the socmed, it will affect others, and it just not fine.
Yup, it happens at least once in anybody's life.
Hope that we'll put our own :) on our face, it will makes us feel much much better :)
Some somehow-has-its-funny-side
Whew, Breathless nya Shayne Ward inspired by asthma nih sepertinya.
Hmm, makes sense nih kalau aku rada-rada suka keju :P
A nice one
Hmm, the pic is kinda sad, but just let me interpret that that someone is someone who'll never walk out of our life, feels better right :)
Some inspiring
So, who says u're not perfect ;)
Jleb *don't ask why*
Just some random thought, just for fun, selamat berjumpa kembali pada cerita-cerita selanjutnyaa, hope won't be as random as this one :P Thanks anyway for the innocence which inspiring me with this story :)